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February 22, 2002

Currently playing: The Smiths -

Currently playing: The Smiths - Ask
Before studying, Barry and I had fun with the digital cameras tonight.
That's what a 6x optical zoom on a 1600x1200 shot gets you; a 338x228 image. Yikes! Clearly, I need a telescope. =)

Oh, some older images from my Olympus D-450Zoom. apple blossoms 1 | apple blossoms 2 | apple blossoms 3

As it is I've been studying since midnight... I think my brain is full and needs some sleep to digest all of that information about African exploration from 1500s to 1900. Good think I covered it all before, but my brain is still full...

Posted by brian at February 22, 2002 03:32 AM


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