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February 07, 2002

Currently playing: Erasure - Man

Currently playing: Erasure - Man in the Moon
Ok, so I sent my playlist to all Erasure last night to help me write my paper and I haven't changed it back yet. =þ Survived today though. I hope the paper turns out well... the next class was supposed to have a discussion on some reading I hadn't done, but thankfully the prof ran over time on lecture and the discussion was very, very short. Finally, the midterm in Geog5 wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. I knew it'd be easy, but I was expecting at least one or two questions which I'd be totally clueless on. Nothing of the sort. PHEW!

Finished Raymond Feist's The Riftwar Legacy: Krondor: The Betrayal today after class. Good book, but not as good as the original Riftwar series. Final note... swapped the front brake pads on my Maxima from Stillen/Axxis Metalmatrix pads to Porterfield R4S pads yesterday. The Metalmatrix pads were down to the wear indicators after 32k miles. Installation was relatively painless, especially thanks to the wonderful Stanley 1/2" 18" breakerbar I purchased. =)

Posted by brian at February 7, 2002 05:11 PM


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